Saturday, August 16, 2008

night scene on a foot stool

I saw a little felted stool in Anthropologie that was really cool. It was something like $280 so I came home and made my own.
Originally I had a day scene with a lake, a little cabin, some ducks and trees and whatnot. The background was made from a green wool sweater that I felted in the washing machine. I needle felted most of the flowers, trees and ducks but sewed on the little house. Apparently I didn’t “needle” enough. Within a few days, Naiya had pulled everything but the house from the stool. I decided that I’d rather make something that she could actually play with instead of something just pretty to look at, so I began again. This time I made the night scene and sewed everything on by hand. The background and skyline silhouette are again felted sweaters. The windows and stars are cut out of craft felt. (They just as easily could have been sweaters as well, but I didn’t have those colors.) It stands about 15 inches high and is pretty sturdy but not a very good stool. The styrofoam interior was intended for decor and not for sitting upon. Great to play with though. And one of my favorite creations so far.