Thursday, June 14, 2012


We were eating oranges this morning which inspired Naiya to tell me about her favorite fruits.  "My favorite fruit is split between watermelon, rainiers (cherries) and oranges," she tells me.

"What about cherimoyas?" I ask conversationally (because those were her favorite fruit last week).

"GOODNESS SAKE MOM!" she gleefully exclaims in a tone so intense I am startled.  "You broke my discoverment!!  I love cherimoyas!"


  1. Loving your beautiful blog and have just passed on the Liebster Award to you! Please come on over when you have a chance and pick it up! :)

    1. Thank you! I feel honored. I'm usually not savvy enough to plug in those buttons and such but I will give it a try. It may take me a couple of days but I so appreciate you choosing my little site :) I'm coming over now to check out yours...
