Thursday, July 12, 2012

there's an owl in that thar tree

We're back from vacation!  (Not that anyone was aware of our absence other than my mum and dad.)  I'll soon have oodles of photos from The Tetons (and plenty of summer crafts to share) but, until then, let me just reveal this owl that we discovered in a tree in my parents' back yard. 

It's been there all along.  Watching day and night... right off the patio in the shade of the shrubbery. 
Who knew? 


  1. What an amazing photo! It looks exactly like an owl! lol

    1. I know! Doesn't it?! Totally crazy. This little tree/shrub is about 10 feet out their back door next to a patio where we sit all the time. They've lived there for about four years and no one ever noticed it before if you can believe that.

  2. Now that is land art at it's very best!

  3. so awesome!! And the Tetons are my favorite! Hope you went to Jackson lake!

    1. We did, in fact, go to Jackson Lake (and Jenny Lake as well). We'd never been before and were stunned by the beauty and the plethora of things to do in that area. I'll have to torment everyone with the blog version of "vacation slide show" soon :)
