Thursday, December 6, 2012

leach botanical garden

We feel really lucky to be living in Portland.  I'm a transplant here and have enjoyed this city for just over a decade while Ryan has been in or around the area for most of his life.  Amazingly, we keep discovering little gems tucked away in every corner.  The metro area doesn't seem that large but somehow, I still think it's got a lot of secrets to share.  Just this weekend we discovered (only 12 minutes from our house!) Leach Botanical Garden while we were out searching for a letterbox.  This beautiful, 17 acre estate was donated to the city of Portland by John and Lilla Leach.  The Leachs - pioneers, explorers, botanists, artists and scientists extraordinaire - left over 2,000 species of plants here.  Even in late autumn, the gardens are a sight to see and a fun place to explore.


  1. Ack! You were literally in our backyard! We live just up the road from here (and enjoy watching their Banana slug races they host in the spring).Call us next time :)

    1. Yes indeed. I finally just looked up where you live. I think we drove right by your house! Next time...
