Thursday, December 20, 2012

the grotto's 25th annual christmas festival of lights

 Of all the light displays we visit during the holidays, this is my favorite.  This year marks The Grotto's 25th Annual Festival of Lights.

 We have gone to this festival for a number of years and somehow, the only pictures we ever seem to get of our family of three together are those taken on these exceedingly cold nights.


  1. We were/are hoping to go this year.After hearing about the statues being destroyed I thought maybe we shouldn't go (I wouldn't want K to see that!) but I do believe we have plans after Christmas to see it :)

    1. Oh, it's lovely. I heard about the statues but because this event is at night, I don't think she would see the broken statues. I'm not sure they're in the main festival area and if they are, perhaps they just don't light them? (Or perhaps they're covered?) We didn't notice them when we were there.

    2. We went tonight andcouldn't see them - yay!! :)I dowant to go back in the day time one of these day, too.

    3. If you go in the day time I think the elevator ride to the gardens up top are totally worth it. There's a lovely meditation center up there with huge windows overlooking the city to the north and lots of paths to walk through. There's also a labyrinth. The girls might enjoy walking that. Naiya walks in and out every time we go.
