Thursday, June 25, 2009

the first egg

Some very exciting news here at the homestead. Our first egg! Our girls are nearly their full size at four and a half months, and yesterday we were thrilled to find a tiny little gift in their house. By the color, I had thought it was surely from Caliope (our Rhode Island Red) but it turns out it could just as likely have been from Juniper (the Barred Plymouth Rock). Jak, the monster sized Light Brahma, will likely lay white eggs and we think they will be much larger. While the chickens have pretty much destroyed the flower gardens and are working to find a way into the caged herbs, they have left the fenced off veggies pretty much alone. The six raised beds are in full production mode with potatoes, tomatoes, lettuces, chard, onions, leeks, peas, broccoli, rhubarb, garlic, beets and spinach. The blueberries and strawberries will likely need another year to bear some tasty fruit but we are thoroughly enjoying the bounty of all we are getting now. It is an odd thrill to make dinner from our own back yard. (The slugs in our salad, though, I could do without.)

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