As a part of our vacation last week we made an afternoon stopover in Winston, Oregon (about 3 1/2 hours south of Portland) to check out Wildlife Safari. This was the leg of our travels to which Naiya was most looking forward. As promised, the animals roamed free and a few did, in fact, walk right up to our car as we drove the 4 1/2 mile loop over rolling hills and lush grasslands.
Wildlife Safari is an AZA accredited park that hosts over 600 animals from over 80 species. It offers up-close animal encounters, drive-through wild animal viewing, a renown cheetah breeding program and medical and research facilities as well as the Safari Village where one can view, pet and ride a variety of critters.
Days after the event, what Naiya most remembered from the drive-through was the rhea who took a liking to Ryan and stuck its head in the window as we stopped to take a look at her.
While the predators were kept in (sadly) smaller enclosures away from the other wandering creatures and were also unable to directly approach passing vehicles, we were still able to get a good look at (but not any good photos of) a number of lions, cheetahs and tigers. We also were able to watch the elephants wash cars and even got a peek at the hippos (although they apparently remain submerged in their pond for most of the day).
By far though, Naiya's favorite part of this adventure was riding the camel. She enjoyed it so much that before our second trip round the drive-through loop, we took her on that brief amble round the track for a second time.
It was, of course, her first time but, as far as we remember, it was a first for Ryan and I as well.
I think the camel kind of liked us.
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